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Patrick Hagman

NAME: Patrick

PRACTICE:  Calisthenics, Hand balancing, Strength Training

FAVE PBK MENU ITEM: Avo-Matcha Shake with Coconut Milk and Vanilla Vegan Protein

What POWERS you?:  I am powered by my family and my clients. Without my amazing wife and son I would not have found a passion for fitness and training. My family empowers me to bring my A-game to every opportunity presented. I am driven to learn more about fitness,nutrition, and recovery in order to inspire my clients to persist. We present ourselves with challenges on a daily basis. I want to help my clients rise to their challenges, and Persist.  What powers me is seeing my clients succeed in the face of a obstacle that previously felt insurmountable. Having been through a weight loss journey of almost 60lbs, I understand the value of commitment and persistence. I choose to prioritize movement, nutrition, regeneration, and education in my own life in order to better serve my family and clients.